About Us

Nav 20s - Greater Rochester

Our Team

David and Linda Boris
Field Staff

Who We Are

The Nav 20s is a ministry of The Navigators.  As part of Disciple Makers for Life, we are pioneering a Nav20s ministry in the Greater Rochester metropolitan area.

The young adults we serve are typically between age 19-32 years and are post vocational training, college, or military training. Some are pursuing advanced graduate education but many have entered the work force. Young adults in our city also have a heartfelt need for deep relationships and authentic community. We want to help young adults to put Christ at the center of their lives as they navigate successfully the challenging transitions of finding friends, building community, having a satisfying career, finding a church, a spouse, and starting a family while trying to integrate into multigenerational neighborhoods, work places and church environments.

Our Message

The Navigators believe that Jesus came so that everyone could know and experience the love of God personally.  Jesus brought a message of good news that his sacrifice on the cross made the mercy, love and grace of God available to anyone who believes. When Jesus rose from the dead he invited believers into a new quality of life, born again as new creations, that we "may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). The hallmark of this new life is fellowship with the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, who guides, empowers and directs our lives. Jesus came "to seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10) and passed to his disciples the lifelong mission of going and making disciples in all the nations.  

Our Mission

Every Navigator’s passion is to help others "to know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same." 

This is a community of young adults who are each passionately pursuing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and desiring to make disciples who do the same. We are encouraging one another to grow in their own personal callings and share a joint vision to grow Jesus' Kingdom by making disciples who make disciples, creating spiritual generations of Christ followers. We are a network of young adults committed to growing in four pursuits: faith, vocation, community and mission.

Our passion is to come alongside these young adults and help them to discover their calling, encourage them to live missionally for Christ, and offer fellowship and support in a like minded biblical community.

Our Method

Jesus gave us a method to follow in making disciples. He came alongside ordinary people and walked with them closely in life so that they might know Him, and make Him known. Navigators embrace Jesus' method of loving broadly, spreading the seed of the gospel freely, but investing deeply in a few disciples. Our goal is to live amongst those we serve and show them Christ's love in truthful and powerful ways, that will change their lives forever.

"We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too." 1 Thessalonians 2:8

We invite young adults into a vibrant community, help them find their identity in Christ, teach them to be Christ’s followers, and walk with them as they apply the Word of God to guide their lives. Through small-group Bible studies and personal, Life-to-Life, discipleship, our goal is to help them to pass on what they have learned - becoming effective disciple makers in their neighborhoods, places of work, families and churches.